Version 2 - Current Planning Scheme
- Citation and commencement
- Part 1 About the planning scheme
- Part 2 State planning provisions
- Part 3 Strategic framework
- Part 4 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Part 5 Tables of assessment
- Part 6 Zones
- Part 7 Local plans
- Part 8 Overlays
- Part 9 Development codes
- Part 10 Other plans
- Schedule 1 Definitions
- Schedule 2 Mapping
- Schedule 3 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) mapping and tables
- Schedule 4 Notations required under the Planning Act 2016
- Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
- Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies
- Appendices
6.2.8 Sport and recreation Application
This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. When using this code, reference should be made to section 5.3.2 and where applicable, section 5.3.3 located in Part 5. Purpose
- The purpose of the sport and recreation zone code is to ensure:
- Development is designed to meet community needs for sporting and active recreation purposes.
- Development maximises community access and use of land for sport and active recreation purposes.
- Development minimises impacts where adjoining residential land and other sensitive receiving uses.
- Large scale sporting facilities that serve the regional population are located in accessible locations within Gladstone, Boyne Island, Tannum Sands, Calliope and Agnes Water.
- The purpose of the zone will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:
- Areas available for active sport and recreational pursuit such as playing fields, equestrian facilities, outdoor cultural facilities, educational activities, public swimming pools and outdoor courts are provided.
- Opportunities for sporting clubs using playing fields to establish in multi–purpose club facilities are facilitated.
- Development is designed to incorporate sustainable practices including maximising energy efficiency, water conservation and public/active transport use.
- Development is supported by transport infrastructure that is designed to provide and promote safe and efficient public transport use, walking and cycling.
- Impacts on adjacent areas from development and activities within the zone are managed through buffering to adjacent sensitive land uses and appropriate design, siting and operation of facilities and infrastructure.
- Ancillary structures and buildings such as clubhouses, kiosks, shelters, stands, amenity facilities, picnic tables and playgrounds are provided where necessary to support safe access and essential management of sport and recreation areas.
- Areas of ecological significance, high scenic amenity or cultural heritage are protected from the adverse impacts of sport and recreation activities.
- Development responds to land constraints, including but not limited to topography, bushfire and flooding.
- Recreation areas make an important contribution to community liveability.
- The purpose of this code will also be achieved through the following additional overall outcome for the following precinct:
- Benaraby Motor Sport precinct:
- Development provides for a Motor Sports Facility of regional significance.
- Benaraby Motor Sport precinct: Assessment benchmarks
Table—Accepted development subject to requirements and assessable development
Performance outcomes | Acceptable outcomes |
Use – Caretaker's accommodation |
PO1 Development is:
AO1.1 No more than 1 caretaker's accommodation unit is established on the site. |
AO1.2 Caretaker's accommodation is a maximum of 100m2 GFA. |
Built form (if involving building work) |
PO2 Built form is of a height and scale that:
AO2.1 Building height does not exceed 12m. |
AO2.2 The site cover of all buildings and structures does not exceed the lesser of 40% of the total site area or 400m2. |
Amenity | |
PO3 Development provides adequate separation, screening and buffering from any adjoining residential premises or residential zone so that residential privacy and amenity is not adversely affected. |
AO3.1 Development that shares a boundary with a residential premises or residential zone requires a minimum boundary setback of 6m for:
AO3.2 Development that shares a boundary with a residential premises or residential zone must ensure all buildings:
Note—Refer also to the Landscape code. |
AO3.3 Windows that have a direct view into an adjoining residential use are provided with fixed screening that is a maximum of 50% transparent. |
PO4 Outdoor lighting does not adversely affect the amenity of adjoining properties or create a traffic hazard on adjacent roads. |
AO4.1 Light emanating from any source complies with Australian Standard AS4282 Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting as amended. |
AO4.2 Outdoor lighting is provided in accordance with Australian Standard AS1158.1.1 – Road Lighting – Vehicular Traffic (Category V) Lighting – Performance and Installation Design Requirements as amended. |
PO5 Development must not unreasonably affect the amenity of the surrounding area. |
AO5 Hours of operation are limited to between 7am and 10pm each day. |
For all assessable development | |
Land use |
PO6 Development facilitates the optimum enjoyment and use of the land for sport and recreation purposes. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO7 Non–recreation uses occur only where they directly support the primary sport and recreation function of the site or are a compatible community–related activity. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO8 Buildings, structures and use areas are designed to ensure efficient use of buildings and facilities, and provide for multiple or shared use of facilities where practicable. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Design and amenity |
PO9 Development does not detract from the site's visual quality values. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO10 Development does not impede public access to, and use of facilities. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO11 Development maintains a high level of amenity within the site and minimises impacts on surrounding areas, having regard to:
Note—Applicants may be required to engage specialists to provide detailed investigations into the above matters in order to demonstrate compliance with this performance criterion. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO12 Landscaping:
Note—Refer also to the Landscape code. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO13 Development must ensure safe and legible connections are provided for:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO14 The site layout and design responds sensitively to on–site and surrounding topography, coastal foreshore areas, waterways, drainage patterns, ecological values by:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO15 Development is designed to achieve safety for all users having regard to:
Note—Applicants may find useful guidance in the Queensland Government's Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidelines for Queensland. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
If in the Benaraby Motor Sport precinct |
PO16 Development:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |