Version 2 - Current Planning Scheme
- Citation and commencement
- Part 1 About the planning scheme
- Part 2 State planning provisions
- Part 3 Strategic framework
- Part 4 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Part 5 Tables of assessment
- Part 6 Zones
- Part 7 Local plans
- Part 8 Overlays
- Part 9 Development codes
- Part 10 Other plans
- Schedule 1 Definitions
- Schedule 2 Mapping
- Schedule 3 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) mapping and tables
- Schedule 4 Notations required under the Planning Act 2016
- Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
- Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies
- Appendices
6.2.13 Medium impact industry Application
This code applies to development where the code is identified as applicable in a table of assessment. When using this code, reference should be made to section 5.3.2 and where applicable, section 5.3.3 located in Part 5. Purpose
- The purpose of the Medium impact industry zone code is to provide for medium impact industry uses. Development may include non–industrial and business uses only where they support industrial activities and do not compromise the long–term use of the land for industrial purposes. Development does not detract from the function and viability of the region's centres. Marine industry activities are supported north of Beckinsale and Drewe Street on land fronting the Auckland inlet. Development facilitates the safe, efficient and attractive use of land for medium impact industries which require medium to large size lots for their intended operation. Land use activities must ensure they minimise impacts on surrounding land having regard to noise, vibration, odour, dust, light or other emissions. Adverse impacts on the health, safety or amenity of sensitive land uses are minimised.
- The purpose of the zone will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:
- The zone accommodates a wide range of industrial uses that are likely to have some potential for off–site impacts, including manufacturing, transport, storage, and other uses which require larger sites in locations separated from sensitive land uses.
- Residential uses other than caretaker's accommodation are not located within close proximity to the industrial uses and activities in the zone.
- Low impact industry and Warehouse uses may be appropriate where they are not detrimentally affected by or compromise the operations of medium impact industry uses.
- Other non–industrial uses that are ancillary to, and directly support, the industrial area are facilitated.
- The zone does not accommodate uses which are primarily oriented to retail sales and which are more appropriately located in centres, such as shops, shopping centres, showrooms or retail based hardware supplies.
- The intrusion of incompatible uses, or uses which may be more appropriately accommodated in other zones, is avoided to protect the availability of land for industrial purposes and the viability and efficient operation of existing and future industry uses.
- Lot sizes provide for a range of large format industrial uses and discourage take up of land for smaller scale activities better suited to the Low impact industrial zone on smaller sites.
- Uses and works for industrial purposes are located, designed and managed to maintain safety to people, avoid significant adverse effects on the natural environment and minimise impacts on adjacent non–industrial land.
- Development maximises the use of existing transport infrastructure and has access to the appropriate level of transport infrastructure (railways and motorways) and facilities such as airports and seaports.
- Development is designed to incorporate sustainable practices including maximising energy efficiency and water conservation.
- Development is safe and legible, and designed to establish safe and efficient movement systems.
- The scale, character and built form of development contribute to a high standard of amenity and makes a positive contribution to the public domain, particularly along major roads.
- Development responds to land constraints including but not limited to flooding.
- Development has access to development infrastructure and essential services.
- Adverse impacts on natural features and processes, both on–site and from adjoining areas, are minimised through location, design, operation and management of development.
- Development avoids significant adverse effects on water quality and the natural environment.
- Industrial uses are adequately separated from sensitive land uses to minimise the likelihood of environmental harm or environmental nuisance occurring.
- The purpose of the zone will also be achieved through the following additional overall outcomes for particular precincts:
- Red Rover Road precinct
- This precinct represents a large area of land suitable for medium impact industry uses
- Development occurs in accordance with an industrial structure plan that:
- establishes a mix of medium to large size lots (greater than 3,000m2) to facilitate medium impact industry land uses
- demonstrates appropriate infrastructure, services and transport connections can support industrial development
- establishes development footprints that respond to environmental constraints and hazards in the locality, and
- provides an appropriate interface to the Clinton Park residential area.
- Red Rover Road precinct
Note—Plans of development are to be in accordance with the Plan of development planning scheme policy. Assessment benchmarks
Table—Accepted development subject to requirements and assessable development
Performance outcomes | Acceptable outcomes |
Use – Caretaker's accommodation | |
PO1 Development for caretaker's accommodation:
AO1.1 No more than 1 caretaker's accommodation unit is established per non–residential land use. |
AO1.2 Caretaker's accommodation is a maximum of 100m2 GFA. |
AO1.3 Caretaker's accommodation is provided with a private open space area which:
Use – Office | |
PO2 Offices are accommodated within the zone where they are ancillary to the primary use. |
AO2 The area used for an Office use does not exceed 100m2 GFA. |
Use – Sales office | |
PO3 The use does not adversely impact on the amenity of the surrounding land uses and local character. |
AO3.1 Development of the sales office is in place for no more than two years. |
AO3.2 There are a maximum of 2 employees on site at any one time. |
Built form (if involving building work) | |
PO4 Buildings and outdoor storage areas:
AO4 Site cover including any outdoor storage area does not exceed 80% of the total site area. |
PO5 Buildings, structures and industrial activities are setback from the road frontage to mitigate the impact of activities on the streetscape. |
AO5 Buildings, structures and industrial activity areas are setback a minimum of:
Site area (if involving building work) |
PO6 Development has sufficient area, frontage and buffers to accommodate the following:
AO6 Premises for the following uses has a minimum site area, frontage and buffers as follows:
Building design (if involving building work) | |
PO7 Buildings include features that contribute to an attractive streetscape. |
AO7.1 The unarticulated length of external walls along a road frontage does not exceed 15m. |
AO7.2 Buildings are designed and constructed with varying façade treatments and high quality finishes such as brick, painted concrete or masonry. |
PO8 Buildings do not incorporate glass or surfaces that are likely to reflect the sun that has the potential to cause nuisance, discomfort or hazard to any part of the city and adjoining urban areas. |
AO8 Any reflective glass material, metallic shade structures or other surface has:
PO9 Building entrances are legible and safe. |
AO9.1 The main entry to the premises is:
AO9.2 Each building or tenancy is provided with a highly visible street and unit number. |
AO9.3 Premises are provided with external lighting sufficient to provide safe ingress and egress for site users. |
AO9.4 Office space is sited and orientated towards the principal road frontage of a site. |
Amenity | |
PO10 Utility elements (including refuse areas, outdoor storage, plant and equipment, loading and unloading areas) are screened from view from the street and adjoining any land in another zone. |
AO10 Utility elements are:
Note—Screening can be provided by any combination of the above treatments to meet the acceptable outcome. |
PO11 Landscaping is provided to mitigate the visual impact of development and screen unsightly components. |
AO11 A minimum 2m width of landscaping is provided along the entire principal site frontage excluding driveway. |
PO12 Development minimises potential conflicts with, or impacts on, other uses having regard to vibration, odour, dust or other emissions. |
AO12.1 Development achieves the air quality design objectives set out in the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008, as amended. Note—To achieve compliance, development is planned, designed and managed to ensure emissions from activities to achieve the appropriate acoustic objectives (measured at the receptor dB(A)). |
AO12.2 Development that involves the storage of materials on site that are capable of generating air contaminants either by wind or when disturbed are managed by:
PO13 Development prevents or minimises the generation of any noise so that:
AO13 Development achieves the noise generation levels set out in the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008, as amended. |
PO14 Outdoor lighting does not adversely affect the amenity of adjoining properties or create a traffic hazard on adjacent roads. |
AO14.1 Light emanating from any source complies with Australian Standard AS4282 Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting. |
AO14.2 Outdoor lighting is provided in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1158.1.1 – Road Lighting – Vehicular Traffic Category V) Lighting – Performance and Installation Design Requirements. |
PO15 Development provides for the collection, treatment and disposal of liquid wastes or sources of contamination such that off–site releases of contaminants do not occur. |
AO15.1 Areas where potentially contaminating substances are stored or used, are:
AO15.2 Provision is made for spills to be bunded and retained on site for removal and disposal by an approved means. |
AO15.3 Roof water is piped away from areas of potential contamination. |
For all assessable development | |
Land use | |
PO16 Development does not compromise the use of land for medium impact industry purposes. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO17 Development is of a medium impact nature and includes:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Design | |
PO18 Development is designed to facilitate the safety and security of people and property having regard to:
Note—Applicants should have regard to Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidelines for Queensland. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Effects of development |
PO19 Development responds sensitively to on–site and surrounding topography, coastal foreshores, waterways, drainage patterns, utility services, access, vegetation and adjoining land uses, such that:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
PO20 Development is located, designed and operated so that adverse environmental impacts and environmental harm on nearby land is minimised. |
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Use – Food and drink outlet |
PO21 Development:
AO21 GFA including all seating areas does not exceed 150m2. |
PO22 Development provides a safe environment for staff and patrons through:
No acceptable outcome is nominated. |
Use – Service station | |
PO23 Buildings and structures allow for the safe operation of the service station. |
AO23 All buildings and structures, including equipment associated with the service station operation are setback as follows:
PO24 Retail components are ancillary to the service station use. |
AO24 The maximum area of retail GFA is 80m2. |