Version 1 - Superseded Planning Scheme
- Citation and commencement
- Part 1 About the planning scheme
- Part 2 State planning provisions
- Part 3 Strategic framework
- Part 4 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Part 5 Tables of assessment
- Part 6 Zones
- Part 7 Local plans
- Part 8 Overlays
- Part 9 Development codes
- Part 10 Other plans
- Schedule 1 Definitions
- Schedule 2 Mapping
- Schedule 3 Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) mapping and tables
- Schedule 4 Notations required under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009
- Schedule 5 Land designated for community infrastructure
- Schedule 6 Planning scheme policies
- Appendices
9.3 Use codes
9.3.1 Development design Application
This code applies to assessing all development within the Gladstone Regional Council area where indicated in the Table of assessment. Purpose
- The purpose of the development design code is to:
- Ensure all development is provided with appropriate infrastructure, services and parking provisions.
- Ensure development manages stormwater and wastewater as part of the integrated total water cycle and in ways that help protect the environmental water values specified in the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009.
- Protect surface water and ground water.
- Ensure adverse impacts of development on the environment and the amenity of the locality are avoided.
- The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:
- Development is adequately serviced by utility and access infrastructure including roads, water, waste water, power, telecommunications, stormwater management and waste management.
- The integrity and efficiency of utility and access infrastructure systems is maintained.
- Environmental values of receiving water are protected from adverse development impacts arising from stormwater quality and flow.
- Environmental values of receiving water are protected from waste water impacts.
- Environmental values of receiving water are protected from development impacts arising from the creation or expansion of non–tidal artificial waterways.
- Public health and safety are protected and damage or nuisance caused by stormwater is avoided.
- Stormwater is designed to maintain or recreate natural hydrological processes and minimise run–off.
- The function, safety and efficiency of the transport network is optimised.
- Development within close proximity to existing or future public passenger transport facilities supports an integrated approach to land use and transport integration.
- Development provides adequate on–site vehicular access and adequate parking and servicing facilities for vehicles and parking facilities for bicycles.
- Access, parking, servicing and associated manoeuvring areas are designed to be safe, functional and meet the reasonable demands generated by the development.
- Provision of safe and non–discriminatory public and pedestrian access is provided.
- Works in public streets and spaces enhance the pedestrian amenity and improve streetscape appearance.
- Sensitive land uses in close proximity to activities generating amenity impacts are located and designed to mitigate their impacts.
- Waste generation is minimised and re–use and recycling increased.
- Development provides for the storage of generated waste in an environmentally acceptable and nuisance free manner and waste storage facilities are functionally appropriate for users of the facilities, and
- Developments accessed by common private title have appropriate fire hydrant and infrastructure and unimpeded access to emergency service vehicles for the protection of people, property and environment from fire and chemical incidents.
Note—The term common private title covers areas such as roads in community title developments or strata title unit access which are private and under group or body corporate control Assessment criteria
Table—Self–assessable and assessable development
Performance outcomes | Acceptable outcomes |
Utility infrastructure and services |
PO1 Development is serviced by an adequate, safe and reliable supply of potable and general use water, connected to reticulated water supply where possible. Note—Council's documented Maximum Service Level (MSL) is to be considered. |
AO1.1 Development is connected to Council's reticulated water supply network, including the installation of easily accessed water meters, in accordance with the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. OR AO1.2 If connection to Council's reticulated water supply network is not possible, a potable on–site water supply is provided in accordance with the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. |
PO2 Development is serviced by appropriate sewerage disposal infrastructure which ensures:
AO2.1 Development is connected to Council's reticulated sewerage treatment system, in accordance with the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. OR AO2.2 If connection to Council's reticulated sewerage treatment system is not possible, development waste water is treated in accordance with Council's Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy and relevant Australian Standards (including AS1547) and State requirements as amended. |
PO3 Where not located in the Rural zone, electricity supply network and telecommunication service connections are provided to the site and are connected. |
AO3.1 The development is connected to electricity and telecommunications infrastructure in accordance with the standards of the relevant regulatory authority prior to the commencement of any use of the site. |
AO3.2 Where not included in the development, provision is made for future telecommunications services (such as fibre optic cable) in accordance with the standards of the relevant regulatory authority. |
PO4 Development in areas serviced by a reticulated water supply where:
AO4.1 Development, including buildings, both attached and detached, and not covered in other legislation or planning provisions mandating fire hydrants, conform with SPP Code: Fire services in developments accessed by common private title. |
AO4.2 Fire fighting infrastructure located within private property (excluding reticulated mains and hydrants on reticulated mains) is owned maintained by a party other than Council. |
Stormwater management |
PO5 Stormwater management is designed and operated to:
AO5.1 Development does not result in an increase in flood level flow velocity or flood duration on upstream, downstream or adjacent properties. |
AO5.2 Stormwater (including roof and surface water) is conveyed to the kerb and channel or other lawful point of discharge in accordance with the requirements of the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. |
PO6 Stormwater drainage network elements are designed and constructed with the capacity to control stormwater flows under normal and minor system blockage conditions for the applicable defined flood event ensuring there is no damage to property or hazards for motorists. |
AO6 Stormwater infrastructure is designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. |
Wastewater |
PO7 Wastewater is managed to:
Note—Wastewater is defined in accordance with Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, schedule 2). Note—A wastewater management plan (WWMP) is prepared by a suitably qualified person and addresses:
AO7 Development does not discharge wastewater into any waterways. |
Earthworks and retaining walls |
PO8 Development is designed such that earthworks and any associated retaining structures:
AO8.1 Earthworks and any retaining structures (including anchors, sheet piling, seepage drains, construction requirements and retained soil etc.) and their zone of influence must:
Excavating or filling is no greater than 1m. |
AO8.2 Development is designed such that the steepest formed batter slope is 1 vertical to 4 horizontal. |
AO8.3 Earthworks and any associated retaining structures are designed and constructed in accordance with the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. |
AO8.4 For Reconfiguring a Lot applications:
Parking and access |
PO9 Development includes the provision of adequate and convenient car and bicycle parking on–site to satisfy the anticipated requirements of the activity. |
AO9 Car parking and bicycle parking is provided on site in accordance with the rates specified in the Parking Rates Planning Scheme Policy. |
PO10 Where in urban areas, development provides end of trip facilities to encourage people to engage in active transport (bicycles and pedestrians):
AO10 Development provides cycling and pedestrian end of trip facilities, in accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Development Code. |
PO11 Access driveways are designed and constructed to:
AO11.1 Access driveways are:
AO11.2 Access driveways allow vehicles (with the exception of dwelling house and dual occupancy) to enter and exit the site in a forward gear. |
AO12 Manoeuvring, loading and unloading areas, and parking areas (car and bicycle) are:
PO13 Footpaths provide pedestrian and bicycle access to site, which is designed to:
AO13 Footpaths are:
PO14 Pedestrian access to buildings:
AO14 Pedestrian access steps, escalators, ramps and lifts are:
Acoustic and air quality |
PO15 Development minimises potential conflicts with, or impacts on, other uses having regard to odour, dust or other emissions. |
AO15 Development achieves the air quality design objectives set out in the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008, as amended. |
PO16 Development prevents or minimises the generation of any noise or vibration so that:
AO16 Development achieves the noise generation levels set out in the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008, as amended. Note—To achieve compliance, development is planned, designed and managed to ensure emissions from activities to achieve the appropriate acoustic objectives (measured at the receptor dB(A)). |
PO17 Sensitive development adjacent to State controlled roads or Council controlled arterial and sub–arterial roads minimise through their own design the nuisance caused by noise, vibration and dust emissions. |
AO17 Sensitive development (other than Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 buildings) complies with the requirements of the Department Main Roads – Road Traffic Noise Management Code of Practice and the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008. |
Lighting |
PO18 External lighting is provided in urban areas to ensure a safe environment. |
AO18 Technical parameters, design, installation, operation and maintenance of outdoor lighting comply with the requirements of AS4282 – Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting as amended. |
PO19 Outdoor lighting does not cause undue disturbance to any person, activity or fauna because of emission, either directly or by reflection. |
AO19 The vertical illumination resulting from direct, reflected or other incidental light coming from a site does not exceed 8 lux when measured at any point 1.5 m outside of the boundary of the property at any level from ground level up. |
PO20 Street lighting and signs are provided to ensure the safety of both vehicles and pedestrians, and to facilitate access and movement. |
AO20 Street lighting and signage comply with the requirements of the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. |
Waste management |
PO21 Development:
AO21 Waste storage and management arrangements are sited, screened and designed in accordance with the Waste Management Planning Scheme Policy. |
PO22 Development is designed to allow for safe and efficient servicing of waste and recycling containers through:
AO22.1 Where on–site waste and recycling collection services are proposed:
AO22.2 Where on–street (kerbside) collection is proposed for any standard waste and recycling containers or bulk bin waste and recycling, waste management is designed in accordance with the Waste Management Planning Scheme Policy. |
For all assessable development | |
Stormwater management |
PO23 Stormwater management systems:
AO23 Stormwater management systems are designed and constructed in accordance with the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. Note—A site stormwater quality management plan (SQMP) is prepared in accordance with Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy and the State Planning Policy requirement for stormwater quality treatment measures. |
PO24 Development allows for sufficient site area to accommodate an effective stormwater management system. |
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO25 Development provides for the orderly development of stormwater infrastructure within a catchment, having regard to:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO26 Construction activities for the development avoid or minimise adverse impacts on stormwater quality. |
AO26 The release of sediment–laden stormwater is avoided for the nominated design storm, and minimised when the nominated design storm is exceeded, by addressing design objectives listed below in Table—Construction phase, or local equivalent for:
Note—An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) is prepared by a suitably qualified person that demonstrates:
PO27 Reconfiguration of lots includes stormwater management measures in the design of any road reserve, streetscape or drainage networks to:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
Wastewater management |
PO28 Wastewater discharge maintains ecological processes, riparian vegetation, waterway integrity, and downstream ecosystem health including:
Note—Compliance with part of this performance outcome may be demonstrated by following the management advice in the guideline: Implementing Policies and Plans for Managing Nutrients of Concern for Coastal Algal Blooms in Queensland by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. |
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO29 Where involving trade waste or contaminated wastewaters, they are managed so that:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
Bridge and culvert work |
PO30 Bridges and culverts for flood immunity:
AO30 Bridges and culvert works are provided in accordance with the Engineering Design and Planning Scheme Policy. |
Road design |
PO31 Roads providing access to the site are provided, constructed and maintained to a standard which is adequate for the traffic type and volume likely to be generated by the activities on site. |
AO31 External road works are provided in accordance with the requirements of the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy. |
Land use and transport integration |
PO32 Development:
Note—Where roads are required for buses refer to the design and construction requirements in the IDAS code in the Transport Planning and Coordination Regulation 2005, schedule, part 2. |
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO33 Development enhances connectivity between existing and future public passenger transport facilities and other transport modes through providing:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO34 Development provides direct, safe and equitable access to and use of public passenger transport facilities. |
AO34 Public passenger transport facilities and any through–site pathway connections, including road crossings, to public passenger transport facilities are provided in accordance with the Engineering Design Planning Scheme Policy and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. |
PO35 Development is located and designed to maintain the operational and structural efficiency of public utility infrastructure. |
No acceptable outcome specified. |
Acoustic and air quality |
PO36 Where located in close proximity to an operational railway corridor, sensitive land uses mitigate amenity impacts and maintain the operational integrity of the rail corridors. |
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO37 Utility services and service structures attached to buildings, do not adversely impact on the acoustic or visual amenity of the surrounding area and are:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
Weed control |
PO38 Weed control practices and plant and equipment cleaning and inspection protocols are:
Note—Refer also to the Queensland Guideline for Limiting Weed Seed Spread (DNR 2000). |
No acceptable outcome specified. |
If a non–tidal artificial waterway |
PO39 Development protects water environmental values in existing natural waterways by ensuring:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO40 Development is designed such that non-tidal artificial waterways are located:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO41 Development is compatible with existing tidal waterways where any tidal flow alteration does not adversely impact on the tidal waterway. |
AO40 Where development is located adjacent to, or is connected to, a tidal waterway by means of a weir, lock, pumping system or similar:
PO42 Any non-tidal artificial waterway associated with the development is designed and managed to function by:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
PO43 Any non-tidal artificial waterway associated with the development are designed, managed and operated to achieve water quality objectives in natural waterways through:
Note—Achieving compliance with the performance outcomes is to be undertaken by suitably qualified persons such as a registered professional engineer, Queensland (RPEQ) with specific experience in establishing and managing artificial waterways Note—Any non–tidal artificial waterway is managed and operated by a responsible entity under agreement for the life of the waterway. The responsible entity is to implement a deed of agreement for the management and operation of the waterway that:
No acceptable outcome specified. |
If Port services where a Marina (ship sourced pollutants reception facilities) |
PO44 Development provides facilities for the handling and disposal of ship–sourced pollutants that minimises impacts on the environment and include:
Note—Refer to Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), 1997, Best Practice Guidelines for Waste Reception Facilities at Ports, Marinas and Boat Harbours in Australia and New Zealand. Note—Reception facilities require compliance assessment under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002. The plumbing compliance assessment process will ensure that the proposed facilities address 'peak load'. |
No acceptable outcome specified. |
Table—Construction phase: stormwater management design objectives
Issue | Design objectives | |
Drainage control | Temporary drainage works |
Erosion control | Erosion control measures |
Sediment control |
Sediment control measures Design storm for sediment control basins Sediment basin dewatering |
Water quality | Litter and other waste, hydrocarbons and other contaminants |
Waterway stability and flood flow management | Changes to the natural waterway hydraulics and hydrology | For peak flow for the 1–year and 100–year ARI event, use constructed sediment basins to attenuate the discharge rate of stormwater from the site. |